My Book is Out! The Akashic Records: A Spiritual Tool for Healing Addiction

My Book is Out! The Akashic Records: A Spiritual Tool for Healing Addiction

I hope your holidays were wonderful and you’re ready for a great year ahead. If you’ve been wondering where I’ve been and what I’ve been working on, I spent the last few months making quite a few life changes and…  

I’m super excited to announce that I published my book!

The Akashic Records: A Spiritual Tool for Healing Addiction is a beautifully printed book designed to guide you in finding the purpose behind all of your life experiences, while also teaching you how to heal yourself through the use of spiritual concepts and ideas, and more specifically, why the Akashic Records is a fantastic modality for healing addiction.

Addiction is one of our society’s biggest issues today and moving through it effectively and in a healthy way requires the use of spirituality. The reason why is simple…

There is a purpose in your life’s journey and this book explains it.

There is a reason you are here. Your Soul’s history is a part of you. It is stored within the Akashic Records, which tells the story of who you are.

“The Akashic Records is the center of everything. It is the flow of everything. It is truly limitless … there is no truth and no existence without the Akashic Records.”

Accessing your Soul History through the Akashic Records gives you the insight you need to understand your past and how you got to where you are now. This is essential to healing and preventing any negative patterns from being repeated again.

This book explains how.

Every bit of your journey in this life is for spiritual growth… even the negative experiences… even if they don’t make sense or feel like it at the time.

Understanding why you have experienced everything you have is precisely how you define your purpose and clarify your direction along your path, and that inner knowing of what you came here to do has the ability to propel you forward very quickly.

Currently, and as a very special offer to start the New Year off, my book is only available FREE with the purchase of any reading or session on or

Addiction is About Spiritual Advancement

The path of the addiction experience is a powerful one. It has a deep meaning, both as part of the human experience and as an experience for your Soul’s growth.

It pushes you to dig deep into you … who you are… who you want to be… to find yourself and your path, and above all, it forces you to heal yourself from the inside out.

To get to the core of your personal addiction, you have to explore to find out why it’s there and what led you to become addicted.

You have a history … a story that defines who you are.

There is a reason you are where you are now. Understanding how your story pushed you to become who you are is essential to your healing process.

The most important thing you will ever do for yourself is to understand who you are and why you are here.

The spiritual path of addiction helps you define your Soul’s path more clearly. It is an opportunity to look openly and clearly at yourself and grow immensely as a Soul.

Addiction is one of the most difficult paths a Soul can choose. Only the wisest and strongest of Souls will choose this path because of its potential for growth.

The more difficult the path you have chosen, the bigger your purpose in life is to help others. The bigger the negative experiences you have had in your life, the deeper you have to go within to heal yourself. This is how you find out who you really are.

You can’t be afraid to look closely at yourself and your life to find out why you chose your experiences. This world has gotten tough and it’s not getting any easier. It’s a call for everyone to be better and be more.

To do that, you have to look within … and do it with no fear.

There is a reason for all that you chose, and a really good one.

Hurting Yourself is Never the Answer

Suicide is defined as “the act of taking one’s own life.” (American Addiction Centers  2018) This can be something that you choose to do in one simple act, or that you choose to do slowly over time with many actions designed specifically to hurt yourself beyond repair.

The karmatic repercussions of hurting yourself, instantly or slowly over time, without working to bring yourself back into balance, are vast. It’s perfectly normal for everyone to get out of balance at some point and time, but every time you intentionally choose to hurt yourself by purposely throwing yourself out of balance,
or damage yourself beyond repair, you are hurting your Soul. You are taking yourself off your path and down the wrong one.

You make choices that have consequences. Each and every day. You choose to live or you choose to die. You choose to be happy or not. You choose to go to work or not. You choose to connect to people or you choose to be alone. You choose to help others or be selfish. You choose.

There are some days that you’ve just had enough. Everyone has those days. But how do you choose to cope with it?

Do you choose to destroy the life you’ve worked so hard to create and all the good you have done … decide you’re done with it all and just disappear? Or do you choose to continue to work to create something better for yourself and those you care about
… to potentially make something really good out of something that seems damaged?

You chose to come here as a Soul … to learn, to grow, to give back and to fulfill your purpose.

When you do not complete the things you came into this life for, you not only hurt yourself, but you also hurt those you came here to serve.

It’s not just about you. It’s about others as well. It’s about fulfilling your purpose. You have a reason for being. Everyone does. Why should those you came here to help not benefit from what you came here to do? There are people that need you.

It takes an extremely strong person to go through addiction, heal from it, and go on to help others with their own experiences from it. Why should others in the world be shortchanged by not benefiting from what you have learned and experienced? Everyone has a basic right to learn and to grow. When you take it upon yourself to limit your life and limit your capabilities, you shortchange others around you.

It’s a call for you to find out who you really are, why you chose the path you did, heal yourself and take what you have learned from the experience to help others. That’s what you are here to do.

It’s never just about you. Remember that.

Addiction Starts at Soul-level

Believe it or not, there are certain Soul-level traits and characteristics that can sometimes predispose someone toward an addiction.  These include “Old Souls,” or Souls who have had so many lifetimes that they have achieved what seems to be a “master” status when it comes to experiencing incarnations.

These Souls have chosen to dedicate their lives in their current incarnation to learning about addiction so that they can go on to help others with what they have learned and already know as Souls. These Souls automatically tend to fair better when dealing with addiction because they have more self-control and the knowledge and ability to heal themsleves within more easily than less experienced Souls.

There are also Souls who are what we would call “Young Souls.” These individuals have lived less lifetimes, but have also chosen the lesson of addiction in one form or another to learn and grow from it, but struggle much more with it because of their limited number of incarnations in the human experience.

Regardless of the Soul’s level of experience, understand that the lesson of addiction is a choice on the part of the Soul to experience it in some form.

Traumatic experiences and events can precipitate the beginning of an addiction pattern in one’s life, but again, those experiences have been chosen by the Soul as a learning experience. Experiences are chosen, not only for learning and growth, but as a means through which the Soul can express itself and assist others in their own growth and development.

You Choose Your Life Experiences

Before you incarnated into this life, you chose your life lessons. Yes, you did. You chose what you were going to experience so that you could learn and grow as a spiritual being and go on to help others.

Drug overdoses and the addiction crisis are at an all time high in our country. Who do you think is going to help others with their addictions the most? Only people who have experienced it in some capacity can do it best.

You chose addiction as a path for a reason. You chose it to learn from it; to grow into a better human being and a Soul so that you can go on to help others. There are other people out there relying on your experiences so they can go on to learn from them and grow as well.

It’s never the case that it’s all about you.

If you were on the spiritual plane, you would be able to, very objectively, look down at your life like a board game. You would know that there are always choices and paths you can take. There are always multiple options available to you at any given time.

You chose your path for a reason. That simple understanding opens up the question as to why you might have chosen that. It’s a brand new beginning and perception for you to understand that you might have actually chosen the path of addiction.

Then you can ask the next series of questions…

Why would I choose this? What did I hope to learn? Where did it begin and why? What pushed me along this path and why?

Just the simple idea that you might actually be the one in control of the choice to take this path (and not some random, unseen force) puts you back in control of taking yourself along a new path, and that can make all the difference.


The Spiritual Purpose Behind Addiction

Addiction is defined as “a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors.” (American Society of Addiction Medicine 2011)

It is often considered a “spiritual, physical, and emotional problem,” (Dodes 2015) and make no mistake, it is. Addiction is never just about your physical experience. Addiction has a spiritual component. Understanding the spiritual purpose behind addiction is the only way to truly cope with it, and more importantly, work through it. It doesn’t matter if it is you that is directly affected by it, or if it is someone you love. Everyone touched by it has a clear purpose related to it for learning and growth.

The Source of Addiction: A Spiritual Perspective

Addiction patterns affect your brain directly at the physical level. It has everything to do with brain chemicals, hormones, neurotransmitters, behavior patterns, your environment, the people you associate with, and your perceptions of the world around you.

But have you ever considered what the true source of addiction might be?

While addiction might affect the brain at the physical and conscious level, it doesn’t start there. Traumatic and stressful experiences, regardless of when they occurred, are often at the source of an addiction pattern. Sometimes we want to escape something we are having trouble coping with, sometimes we carry the stress of life that others bring to us, and sometimes we don’t realize the level of stress we are carrying.

Often, healing addiction is a matter of better nutrition or finding healthier coping mechanisms, but regardless of what the solution is, the first step is getting to the core of why the addiction pattern began in the first place.

This is what makes the Akashic Records such a valuable tool for identifying the source of issues. You can research when and where something began, rather than only looking at where you are now.

Once you have a clear understanding of when and why a pattern or issue began, you can not only heal yourself and your life from that point forward in time, but you can also start to make choices that will change future outcomes for the better.

It is only when you fully understand why you have created the pattern of addiction that you can go on to create a new pattern with different outcomes to allow the necessary healing to take place within you.

It is the process of letting go of past negative experiences that allows you to create new and much healthier experiences. The future is built upon the past, so healing your past changes your future in a multitude of positive ways.